lipid profile test

Benefits of Lipid Profile Test and why you must consider it

A lipid profile test checks the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. A person needs to take a lipid test when they come across high cholesterol levels in the body. 

A lipid profile blood test is a type of blood test that helps monitor any heart-related disease. It makes you aware of your current health conditions by giving the exact details on the number of cholesterol and triglycerides in the body. 

Furthermore, the result also checks for genetic disorders or any cardiovascular disease. An excess level of cholesterol in the blood destroys the arteries, which could increase the chances of a heart attack. 

For keeping your health intact, there are various tests and health checkups which you must consider after certain intervals of time. A regular health checkup briefs you on your current health condition.

This blog highlights the importance of the Lipid Profile Test. Why you must consider it:-

Introduction to Lipid Profile Test

A lipid profile test is preferred when you feel that you have a cholesterol level, which can be known through specific symptoms. Usually, a high cholesterol level has no signs, but it may hamper your ability to breathe properly or lead to chest pain. 

Chest pain and shortening of breath are indications of blocked coronary arteries, possibly due to increased cholesterol levels in the body. If you notice such signs, you must take a lipid profile test soon.

Did you know that there are five tests in a lipid panel? If you need to become more familiar with this, look at the below section to learn about it in depth. 

Lipid Profile Test In A Glance

Types of Lipid Tests Function
Total Cholesterol Test As the name suggests, it is done to get the overall cholesterol level in the blood. 
Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol (LDL) measures the amount of bad cholesterol in the body. 
Very-Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)  VLDL is present in the body in a minimal amount, and the VLDL test detects levels of the same. 
High-density Lipoprotein (HDL) Also known as good cholesterol, helps decrease bad cholesterol levels. 
Triglycerides A type of fat and an excess amount of which could lead to heart disease and pancreatic inflammation. 

Note:- An increase in bad cholesterol or Low-density Lipoprotein destroys the blood vessels and increases the chance of heart health issues.

On the other hand, an increase in VLDL cholesterol is a sign of an abnormal metabolism rate in the body. 

All these tests are essential to collect a full record of your present health condition. 

What is the need to consider a Lipid Profile Test? 

A healthcare provider may ask you for a lipid profile test to monitor your cardiovascular health by measuring the cholesterol level in the blood. A routine lipid profile test determines the blood’s cholesterol and triglycerides rate. Timely monitoring cholesterol levels can save you from the risk of heart disease. 

Apart from this, it also helps in identifying other health conditions like liver disease. With the help of tests and regular medication, you can keep your health in a good state. 

Who needs to have a Lipid Profile Test? 

  • There are many reasons a person must opt for a lipid profile test. The first and foremost reason is to monitor and screen the disease. 
  • A person must take the test if they previously had any cardiovascular disease. The test helps to monitor the effect of any such previous heart health issues. 
  • The test is recommended for every man after age 45 and for every woman after age 50. 
  • If you have a high cholesterol level in the blood, you must take the test regularly to monitor your cholesterol level. A regular check will prevent any further health consequences that might take place due to increasing levels of cholesterol in the blood. 
  • Other than these, if you are overweight or smoke regularly, you are also at risk of increasing cholesterol levels. Moreover, a lack of physical activity and high blood pressure also results in elevated cholesterol levels.
  • It is suggested that a diabetic person take the test at regular intervals to prevent any other risk to health.  A child can also go through a high level of cholesterol, which may occur due to improper diet or obesity and sometimes because of heredity. 

A lipid profile test is recommended for checking cholesterol levels, while it is also essential in detecting other health issues like- 

  • Kidney Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Thyroid disorder
  • Heart health issues.

How to keep your health intact? 

Increasing cholesterol levels can create severe health issues and maintain the average cholesterol level in the body. You need to take proper care of yourself. Your diet plays an essential role in determining your cholesterol level. You are at more risk if you are on a diet full of carbohydrates or fatty foods.

Hence, it is recommended to a per diet and involve yourself in some physical activities to maintain body weight. Besides, if you are looking for a lipid profile test, you must check the cost before going with a specific pathology centre

Before concluding the blog, here are critical tips for you. Increasing weight is the root cause of many health issues like thyroid problems, heart attack, high blood pressure, cholesterol, and sugar level. Therefore, you must take a healthy diet and exercise regularly for a balanced weight. 

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